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e-Turo is a collection of online materials on how to master online tools for effective teaching
Lesson 1: Introducing GSuite for Education (Credits: LAT IT Trainer)
Lesson 2: Google Classroom Tutorial for 2020 (Credits: Teacher’s Tech)
Lecture 3: How to Use Google Meet (Credits: Teacher’s Tech)
Lecture 4: Best Websites for Teaching Online from Home (Credits: Teacher’s Tech)
Lecture 5: Screen Recording for Teaching Productivity (Credits: Teacher’s Tech)
Lecture 6: Using Google Forms to Create A Secure Digital Exam (Credits: Kyle Dencker)
Lecture 7: Using Google Drive for Beginners (Credits: Vrtical)
Lecture 8: How to use Google Classroom for Students (Credits: Ed Tech)
Lecture 9: How to Schedule a Google Meeting Using Google Calendar (Credits: Mr. Vacca)
Lecture 10: How to make a video in Power Point (Credits: Kevin Stratvert)